Tuesday 12 June 2012

Lets share our experiences of the amazing transformations and truths of our experiences with Paramahamsa Nithyananda, so that the blanket of manipulation put out by some of the media can be seen for the smokescreen it is. It is hard for many in the west to believe the level of deception, lies and manipulation that the media will invent. Add your  support and comments here please!


  1. These baseless illegal cheap bombardings have shown to us , how deeper we were intergrated and grateful to swami nithyananda for the valued spiritual truths he imbibed in us . Well so to say , their fooly is exposed and who ever tries to shoot any further foolish arrows , will only bring into NithyanandaOrder , more sensible devotees .Illegal threatening or mischief-making can take One no far forward , but will make them dig their own graves !

  2. Today I am transformed so much by the grace , initiation and blessings of Nithyananda, that I am able to kick off the nonsenses of a government as total disgrace and just smile my way through with confidence that TRUTH ALONE WILL WIN ! Nithyanandam
