Friday 15 June 2012

The Government is digging itself into a hole with its Dictatorial approach to the Nithyananda issue

The case of Artie Rao has been filed two years ago and has not moved why?

 Because she is not a credible witness!  

Why not let the court sort it out? 

When Suvarna propagandized this old dead story to get ratings they inflamed people without giving all the facts. If people knew that she has a sexually transmitted disease, but Nithyananda does not have that disease they would not be so sympathetic!

The government overreacted, fell for the media story, and courting public opinion took actions that were illegal! 

The court repeatedly said to the government- come back with a proper case- we cannot grab people just cos you say so! 

We cannot take property just because you think there is an issue. You cannot find an issue after you grab the property!

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