Wednesday 4 July 2012


The media has been running the story that an ashramite has been held against his will at the ashram.... here is the true story!

The Karnataka High Court today disposed of the habeas corpus petition submitted by the parents of Nithyananda disciple Santhosh, alleging that their son was being illegally detained in his ashram and not allowed to meet them.
In their habeas corpus petition, Munnur Krishnamurthy and Jayanthi had submitted that their son Santhosh, a hotel management graduate, had become a disciple of Nithyananda and was staying at his ashram in Bidadi near Bangalore since 2009.
Responding to the petition, Santhosh, who has taken the spiritual name Shantimayananda, denied the allegation that he was not allowed to meet his parents, as his father Krishnamurthy had been a frequent visitor to the ashram and was known to many of his fellow ashramites as well. On several previous occasions, Krishnamurthy had even done some voluntary work for the ashram.
Shantimayananda also affirmed that as a major (he is 34 years old), he is entitled to choose his own life and future. He has experienced great healing and transformation after joining Nithyananda ashram, and was keen to continue his spiritual work and social services while staying in the organization.
He has also requested the police and court not to entertain any such complaints or petitions from his family and relatives in future.   

Saturday 30 June 2012

This story gives the opinion of a senior journalist who describes how the media blew the Nithyananda story out of all proportion: 

Media blew Nithyananda Swami issue out of proportion – senior journalist

Mangalore Today News Network

Mangalore, June 30, 2012 : Addressing the gathering at a program organized by the Journalists’ Study Centre in Mangalore as part of the Kannada Press Day celebrations today, senior journalist Shashidhar Bhat said that the media has blown the Nithyananda issue out of proportions.
roshni 1

Explaining his statement, he said that it was wrong of the media to single out Nithyananda Swami when none of them spoke a word against Lingayat Swamis extending their support to B. S. Yeddyurappa, the former CM of Karnataka. Accusing the media of attacking Nithyananda just because he does not enjoy the caste support that other swamis do, he demanded to know if the media would have been harsh on Nithyananda Swami if he came from a Vokkaliga, Brahmin, or Lingayat background.

Speaking about the birth and development of journalism in India, he said that Indian journalism began as a movement against British oppression, not an industry, and lamented that the modern media has become an industry interested only in profits. Stating that TV news channels are focusing too much on sensational issues such as the BJP’s internal rift, he said that the media is least bothered about important issues such as lack of rain, drought in several areas, and so on.

Especially addressing the journalism students present at the program, he urged them to develop a sense of social responsibility. He also advised them not to step into journalism if they are thinking in terms of converting the fourth estate into a business.

Addressing the gathering, Child Welfare Committee (CWC) Chairperson Asha Nayak urged reporters to protect the privacy of children while reporting cases of abuse and injustice. While admitting that the media ought to highlight children’s issues, she urged journalists to avoid sensationalizing the issues and to protect the privacy of children. She said that legal action can be taken against the media if they reveal a child victim’s identity.

THIS REMARKABLE story reveals the  massive media bais in India, and how the legal system is fed up with it:

-Police Lying in court
-Judges fed up with the media
-Other media dont carry the story about a major editor who did not respond to 7 summons, for 4 years!!!!! 
BANGALORE : Kannada Prabha a and Suvarna news channel Editor Vishweshwar Bhat was arrested by the Bangalore Police on June 27, Wednesday in connection with a defamation case. Bhat who was produced before the court was released the same evening after he was granted bail.
However, Bhat had to remain in police custody from 9 am till he was released in the evening. The court had earlier issued a non-bailable warrant against him, fed up with this repeated abstention despite seven summons and a few warrants during the past four year period. Even though he enjoyed police security as per his request, the police used to submit false report to the court that he could not be ‘traced.’ Finally, the court had ordered his arrest.
The case was pertaining to the defamation suit filed against Bhat by one AP Ranganath, President of the Bangalore Bar Association in connection with a report on irregularities in Bangalore University, published in Vijaya Karnataka in 2008 when Vishweshwar Bhat was its editor. The report had a mention of Ranganath who had later moved the court stating his reputation had been harmed by the report.
It is learnt, when Bhat was produced before the court, he was censured for wasting the precious time of the court by not appearing for hearing on earlier occasions.
The court granted him bail in the afternoon subject to the condition of depositing a surety of Rs 25000 and also that he should appear before court whenever there was a summons.
Earlier, when the advocate for Bhat was about to submit a bail plea, some lawyersobjected saying none should take up Bhat’s case.
News blackout: Ironically, almost all TV channels including Suvarna and also major dailies had blacked out this major news, thereby putting their creditability to test. Suvarna TV which did not mind airing developments regarding the Nityananda episode round the clock, had failed to air news relating to its editor’s arrest.
Meanwhile, eye witnesses said there was some tension outside the court premises when journalists were not allowed entry into the court by advocates. Police had a tough time and an eye witness said some advocates abused Bhat and even attacked him leaving Bhat’s shirt torn.

Sunday 24 June 2012

Here is a link to a great interview with Nithyananda:

The question marks that hung over Swami Nityananda, 34, head of the Bangalore-based meditation centre Dhyanapeetham, after a sleazy sex video surfaced two years ago, momentarily disappeared when he was named the 293rd pontiff of south India’s oldest Shaivite math, the Madurai Adheenam, in April. But old allegations are back to haunt the controversial godman again, following a spill-all TV interview by a former lady devotee, Arati Rao. Jailed for assaulting a journalist and released on bail, he spoke to Deepak Thimaya in Madurai.
You can read a shorter version of this interview here.
This is the full, unexpurgated transcript.
Don’t you think you have let you devotees down and also put some of them in a defensive position?
I don’t think I have let down my devotees or put them in a defensive position. It is an attack on us. So the people who are attacking, are only trying to put me down and my devotees. I feel the devotees who have experienced the spiritual transformational benefits from me are very clear that it is an attack on us. It is persecution. So neither they feel I let them down nor I feel I feel I let them down. It is persecution of me and my devotees.
Some of your devotees who still continue to be your devotees feel that they have been put in an uncomfortable position, because they don’t know what the truth is.
If I know who exactly is the person who is saying this, I may be able to explain. It looks more hypothetical and generalized. I am unable to answer this question.
Some of your devotees may want to know it, because all may not want to accept you without questioning. Do you think you have caused discomfort to such devotees at least?
I don’t feel I caused any discomfort to them, anywhere. Because, all spiritual movements have been persecuted sometime and all such spiritual leaders have gone through such problems some time or the other. I taught my devotees to live in a complete personal spiritual experience instead of being bothered, tortured, being tarnished and being disturbed by some opinion which comes from here and there or from vague quarters without much understanding and without looking into the depths.
Don’t you think by saying this you are actually negating the kind of deluge that your organization is facing of public opinion? You as the guru, the all-knowing, may feel that it is a small and insignificant thing, to an ordinary person it may be a very overwhelming thing.
You called it a deluge -- it means it is something that will settle down. So, you yourself said it. For me it may be happening in a corner, but for a person on the street, it is happening all over. But, don’t you understand and can’t you look at this angle that the person on the street does not care about this issue? The 2G scam was huge for some people while it was not so huge for some other
Are you referring to the huge reception A. Raja received in TN?
No, I am not getting into the details of that, but am only giving a general example of any deluge is personal experience.
What you say is, what is deluge for someone may not be a deluge for someone else.
Neither I feel it is a deluge nor the disciples who experienced me feel that it is a deluge.

Saturday 16 June 2012


The big story here is that a Chief Minister thought he could push the legal system to do his bidding without any evidence. This is commonly known as Dictatorship. Furtunately for Karnatika the legal system follows Indian law, otherwise it will be the opposition political party who is in jail next, and their offices closed.
What is next? The Chief Minister does not like you, so puts you in jail and seizes your house? 

Friday 15 June 2012

The Government is digging itself into a hole with its Dictatorial approach to the Nithyananda issue

The case of Artie Rao has been filed two years ago and has not moved why?

 Because she is not a credible witness!  

Why not let the court sort it out? 

When Suvarna propagandized this old dead story to get ratings they inflamed people without giving all the facts. If people knew that she has a sexually transmitted disease, but Nithyananda does not have that disease they would not be so sympathetic!

The government overreacted, fell for the media story, and courting public opinion took actions that were illegal! 

The court repeatedly said to the government- come back with a proper case- we cannot grab people just cos you say so! 

We cannot take property just because you think there is an issue. You cannot find an issue after you grab the property!

Police State - The naked face of fascism in Karnataka

Just when you thought that things couldn't get worse or get more comical, it gets both worse and more comical. This is what struck me as I witnessed today the un sanitized, un filtered, raw nature of the political beast face to face.

It was 7 in the evening and the sun light had just gone completely out and the lawn lights were turned on in full. I was standing all alone large ground the size of a soccer field in front of the "District Commisioner"'s office in Ramnagar - about 20 kilometers from Bidadi. The field was in front of a towering large glass covered office building with huge pillars in the front.  I watched in slow motion the immense activity all around me. I was all alone. But the field was crowded with close to 200 to 300 policemen. All the top officials of the state were there. READ MORE: